Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

Cigarettes should be banned

Nowadays, almost millions people consume cigarettes especially for the man. We know that cigarettes is one of expensive habitual which should be banned because it is danger for our body and it is consist of many substances which can disturb our body such as Nicotine, Formaldehyde and Benzene.
Almost smokers come out much money to buy cigarettes each day.Event though the price is very expensive, smokers more choose buy it than they buy some of food. Their reason why they need smoking cigarettes because it can lose stress and make the body fresh and relax. Also, everyday they can spend about one or two packs or more. Then the cost about ten thousand rupiah until fourteen thousand each day. It shows that cigarettes smoking is very expensive.
A lot of research shows that there are many dangers for cigarettes smoking. for example: In United States about 400,000 people die each year cause cigarettes smoking. Another dangers are lung cancer, Hypertension, Heart attack, and Impotent. The other dangers from cigarettes smoking for children if they as passive smokers, they will risk Asthma or ear infection. Also for woman pregnant it causes born premature.
Now, there are many dangers substances in the cigarettes. It is made by Tobacco with combination between many substances like:
1. Formaldehyde, this substance cause cancer, respitory skin and gastrointestinal problems
2. Nicotine, this substance to addictive
3. Carcinogens cause cancer in humans
4.Ammonia in the cigarettes used as a flavoring frees Nicotine from Tobacco.
5. Benzene and etc
This is reason why cigarettes should be banned and for because it many disadvantages for human. I agree if cigarettes smoking must be banned and for smokers there is a way when they addicted it. First, they should want to change by themselves to stop smoking. If nothing feeling for want to change by themselves, i am sure that they will smokers continue. Then support from the other person or family is needed because it can encourage smokers to stop cigarettes smoking. However, the way to stop smoking must be slowly but sure with reduce little by little not stop direct and the last make the smokers enjoy in relax. It is one of way to stop smoking.
Finally, we can know that cigarettes smoking is very danger and it should be banned. So, prevention early is needed to avoid the dangerous of cigarettes smoking and everyone know whatever the best from self

2 komentar:

  1. i should be written by capital letter

  2. I wanna give you comments in your essay about your gramatical and your spelling:

    *)almost millions people is consume cigarettes.
    it should be almost millions people consume cigarettes.
    because people are plural and in your writing there are double verb that are "IS and CONSUME".so you just need one verb in your sentence.

    *)it many disadvantages .
    it should be it has many disadvantages.
    because this sentence needs "VERB"

    *)It is show that cigarettes smoking is very expensive.
    it should be-->It shows that cigarettes smoking is very expensive

    *)reson --> it should be REASON

    *)with reduce
    it should be with reducing or by reducing because "with" is prep. so after prep. must be followed by gerund or noun

    *)smokng is very danger and it should be banned.
    it should be smoking is very danger and it should be banned
